circuit training exercises

High-Intensity Circuit Training exercises, routines, and workouts. The ideal training method for fat loss: ‘Blitz Course Challenge.’

How do I design a program for Circuit Training Exercises?

A circuit training program is a series of exercises done, generally, in a circular format, and it can be strength and cardio training together. Sometimes when it’s only strength you’ll go from upper to lower body, to upper to lower body, and then you can do a cardio or cardiovascular training session in-between: which can be jogging in place, jumping jacks, riding a bike, anything of that nature. And each station is generally done from 3 seconds to a minute and then a bell will ring or the instuctor will tell you to progress to the next station. And generally, workouts last about 3 minutes.An example of how you can design a circuit training program is if you have a machine for a pushing movement for chest and then the next exercise may be jumping jacks. And the next exercise is a leg press and the next exercise is something pressing over your head. So its going from strength to cardio to strength. And it goes: upper body, cardio, lower, cardio, upper body. Back and forth, back and forth like that. There’s a lot of different options. That just tend to create a lot more symmetry in the workout.

How do I design a program for Circuit Training Exercises if I have physical limitations?

If you have physical limitations and you want to conduct Indoor Circuit Training Exercises, it’s absolutely essential that you work with a physician to do that because the physician is going to understand what that physical limitation is, what risk factors come with it, and what are the potential consequences with time. So a person who has the physical limitation of arthritis in their knees, for instance, is going to have painful knees, limited range of motion in their knees. If I have a patient with the physical limitation of arthritis in their knees wants to participate in an exercise program, and I want them to, we have to do it safely so they’re not putting their joints at risk of continued damage to the joint, and pick an appropriate exercise program that’s not going to worsen their pain from their physical limitation. In the example of arthritis in the knees, an aerobic exercise program would be an excellent choice, not only for their cardiac benefit but also for their joints. But I wouldn’t have them running on the road and pounding their knee joints. I would want to help them select an aerobic program with Circuit Training Routines where they are protecting the joints from further damage, not exacerbating their physical limitations. For instance, a reclining bicycle might be an excellent option.

How can I tell if Circuit Training Exercises are bad for me?

If it doesn’t feel good and you’re getting a bad response from your body, don’t keep doing it because you think it’s going to make you more fit. Ultimately, it will lead to the demise of your fitness program. You have to, again, ask your body, “Is this good for me? How do you feel about this?” Not just, “Am I winded? Am I sore?” That’s not a good indicator. “Am I feeling it the way I should feel it? Is my body responding in a favourable way to Army Circuit Training Exercises? Am I able to recover in the appropriate amount of time? Do I hurt in a joint rather than symmetrically in my muscles, in the belly of the muscle, in the centre?” Things like that. Those are the things you need to ask yourself when performing
Circuit Training Sample Exercises.


CARDIO workouts



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